Personal Unconscious, a solo exhibit by Faye Abantao, ponders on the indivisible wholeness of beings. As synthesized by psychoanalyst Carl Jung, the personal unconscious is “everything of which I know, but of which I am not at the moment thinking.” Abantao explores the binding power of context over the mind; not the thinking/feeling process itself, but the awareness behind them.

Faye Abantao collects and deconstructs archival prints. She expands with a cluster of disciplines which includes origami, digital collage, printing, and/or painting. The artist’s multifold process emanates an interplaying mixture of contents, patterns, and images. The overlapping layers give Abantao’s distinct kafkaesque flamboyance which depicts fragments of reality in mirage-like scenes or incomplete memories.”

⁠— words by Guenivere Decena

Faye Abantao is a 2015 graduate of La Consolacion College of Fine Arts; Major in Advertising.

“Personal Unconscious” will showcase a collection of her recent mixed-media series along with an art installation.

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