Photos by Nonie Gallenero


“My inner world is my home, my territory, my fantasy.”

In my artistic practice with this solo exhibition,  I explore the intricate dynamics of territories and their impact on individuals and communities. The concept of territories encompasses both physical and psychological spaces that shape our identities, relationships, and experiences.

Drawing inspiration from geography, history, and sociology, I investigate the ways in which territories are created, defined, and contested, within my own fantasy and outside subjects, Through various mediums, such as painting, and collaborations of sculptural toys, and  installation, I aim to evoke a deeper understanding of the complex web of territoriality and its profound influence on our lives.

Territories can be understood in multiple dimensions. They can manifest as physical borders and boundaries, demarcating spaces and establishing ownership. They can also be intangible, symbolized through societal norms, cultural practices, and power dynamics that determine who belongs and who is excluded. And with some influences both as spin offs, and from social media territorial community.

My work delves into the personal narratives embedded within territories, exploring and being playful with characters and the stories of individuals who navigate within these confines. By highlighting the experiences of marginalized communities and individuals who navigate between multiple territories, I aim to challenge preconceived notions of identity itself and identity theft, art playfulness, belonging, personal privacy,  and exclusion.

Through my art, I provoke introspection and raise questions about the consequences of territorial division, acquisition and history. I invite the viewer to consider the arbitrary nature of borders and the ways in which they shape our human connections. I aim to foster empathy and understanding, encouraging dialogue and reimagining new possibilities for coexistence beyond territorial constraints.

By investigating territories as both physical and psychological constructs, I aim to deconstruct the notion of fixed boundaries and challenge the assumptions that limit our perceptions of the world. Through my artistic exploration, and being able to neutralize and enhance truth and respect between boundaries. I hope to inspire a collective reflection on the fluidity of territories and to envision alternative ways of existing within and beyond them.

Ultimately, my artistic practice seeks to examine various manifestations of territories and their effects on individuals and communities, emphasizing the importance of empathy, respect, inclusivity, and the recognition of our shared humanity. Through my work, I hope to contribute to a broader dialogue on the power dynamics that define our understanding of territories and to imagine new possibilities for a more interconnected and compassionate world.


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