CODE BLUE by Moreen Austria

How do I begin to tell the story of a dead me? Let me start with Code Blue : the state of a cardiac arrest and losing the ability to breathe – – a life about to be lost. When there was only discordance, the sensibilities and sensitivities needed redemption.

In a state between choosing to die or live…to breathe or cease and let go, what do we choose? I journaled to let the words salvage the lost will to go on…and the words led the way to what becomes of me.

Remember Me When I’m Gone, a painting of acrylic on canvass is a process of introspection by doing a portrait of how I want to be remembered or maybe I imagined seeing my portrait on my wake. Lost in thought and Blank Stare for in disbelief but in resignation that A Phase Just Ended.

Levitation By Thoughts is an installation of a life size female figure in fiberglass with inverted words taken from my journals of fourteen years and torn from the reproduced copies to float with the figure. Losing an important part of me has placed me in limbo but then a force lifted me up` and elevated my consciousness on how I have been living my life.

You Shocked Me With Goodbye (Shocked Babe Series) is a limited series of molded fiber glass painted in metallic polyurethane. The gesture of a woman in daze expresses different levels of shock for life events that had imprinted.

“You Broke My Heart” is an installation of a pair of hearts: one grounded, one suspended with a collection of broken glass enclosed in resin. Can one heal and be whole without the other still? Maybe I painted her with an antique watch to let you know I see that Love Knows No Time.

My Last Love Letter encapsulates the story of the exhibition.

Code Blue is the artist’s statement that sometimes we have to experience death in order to live again. That through discordance and darkness, we find healing from within.

Moreen Austria

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